Thursday, February 26, 2015

Individual assingmet 2, Evaluating the User Experience

In general these methods are interesting but at the same time challenging. they need a lot of experience and insight to be implemented and interpreted in a meaningful way.
The reading resource tried to give a detailed "how to" about implementation, but what was missing was that how to design our study based on our specific case and also how to interpret and use outcome of such sessions.
Dialogic Techniques 
  Although the general method, even with researcher collected "objects" is still a very effective way of starting conversations and provoking reactions, what I liked about object based techniques was the possibility of using user collected photo/artefact. I think people can relate easier to the objects they bring, and that objects means more and contains more memory and emotions for them.
Generative Techniques
I personally love generative methods and I would like to try them in a real project. they seem fun and creative and users are more engaged. I also liked that we could ask participants to collect and bring their images/objects describing the subject.
Associative Techniques 
The only example in this group was "card sorting". This technique seems to produce more tangible results and can be used in more specific details. It was also provided with more ways of sense making and analysing the output.

2.Contextual laddering
The laddering method refers to a specific one-to-one elicitation interview technique, which tries to get to the interviewees intuitions and values by asking questions based on interviewees previous answers. Since as mentioned in the paper, children dont talk about their values during interviews and the interviewer should decide about what value to assign to certain keywords, it makes it difficult to get to be sure if interview has captured a real reason of like or dislike.
Also I feel this method to be a little like interrogation, and thus unpleasant.

3.Multiple Sorting Method
This method was similar to card sorting method within "object based method". It is maybe easier to implement than generative methods. I still didnt understand how one can make sense of outputs from such experiment into a useful information for design process.

What I like most, What I will choose for Esensorics
I like object based methods the most, because they can generate rich data and the process is interesting for both researcher and user. But I dont think that this methods can be very useful at this stage of the project for us. Firstly because now we have more or less a clear idea on what we are going to build, second our context is not as open and free and needs specific outcome expectancy.
I would choose "associative technique, the card sorting" because it is easier and faster to implement and results can be more directed towards detailed inputs to the design of the tool.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

paper review: How to Read a Paper

This was a very short, dense and informative paper with step by step detailed method.
The paper had two main parts:
-how to read on specific paper
-how to start a literature review

how to read a paper part:
Author had divided paper reading process to three steps and by each step we go deeper in understanding the paper.
I realised that I mostly stop in second pass and rarely get to third pass. but I perform some of the steps from final pass during second pass as well. I generally question the statements of the author, I do think what could be differently or what I would do in this case, and I think about possible further works.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Based on the definition the author gave for "scoping studies", I felt that this type of literature review can suit me better for two reasons:
1. I have not decided on a specific topic for master thesis yet,  and a broader(and maybe shallower) study can help me get an understanding of overall scope of the field or sub field of my choice.(in the paper the first reason to conduct a scoping study: To examine the extent, range and nature of research activity
2. Finding out research gaps and seeing what can be done further is something potentially useful for choosing a thesis topic and a research topic in general.(in the paper, the last reason for scoping study: To identify research gaps in the existing literature)

steps of the scoping study:
1. Define the research question, finding a set of key concepts and identify possible variations of any general term in the question.(example of illness--> which illnesses can be included in this definition)

2. Identifying relevant studies, to make this part as comprehensive as possible some sources of information is suggested:
-electronic data bases
-reference lists (like what?)
-conferences , networks , organisations

Setting a time constrain may help to shape the scope better.

-tools: reference manager & endnote

3. Reading the papers

4. Charting the data
Summarising and categorising each paper based on methods, outcomes ,etc
keeping the same set of info for all the papers may be useful.

what I think I will do differently:
1. I dont need this study to write a comprehensive paper, so  I dont need every single article written in the area, but I just need to cover the area conceptually. It is important to cover all the types of the work done but missing some similar work wont hurt that much
2. I will do the partial reading(look through, abstract) and refining the key concepts and checklists while searching and not as a separate step at the end.
3. For me it maybe ok to summarise papers because I am making it for my personal use

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Individual assignment 1

My feeling about the three methods of evaluation was that they each capture a unique angle of the product and user's relation to it. I think that each of them are good for different stages of the process. Also choosing one, will depend on what we want to capture with conducting the test.

Evaluating symbolic meaning can be a good method for evaluating or rethinking a complete product or an existing one. It kind of belongs to the very last stages of design and development. Actually it may be better to say that it belongs to a higher level of abstraction. It captures symbolic meaning of the product, user's emotion and association to it as a whole. This method will give a general overview of the meaning associated to the product but does not contribute to the usability or other similar fine grain and low level features.
The specific method used for capturing symbolic meaning facilitates communication between user and experimenter and eases the hard task of putting the conceptual meanings into words.  

Evaluating early product concepts through Anticipated eXperience Evaluation (AXE) approach on the other hand goes a level deeper in the details and tries to evaluate concepts by means of their representation in the product(for example with using an early prototype). I think that this method can be used even in the details of implementation such as menus or features.
This method is useful for early stages of design and development and although it is possible to conduct this evaluation with the concepts, the presentation of a concept to participants inevitably determines the feedback one can obtain in an evaluation session. for this reason a prototype will be a better medium for doing it.
The method used in this paper, using image as a medium and asking questions, makes communication and interpretation of the thoughts easier for both user and designer.

Comparative research is a very practical functional type of evaluation. Unlike the two first methods it does not try to capture very high level concepts or meanings. But it starts from functionality and implementation and may go to the deeper levels. It also different from the last two in the way it looks into the evaluation process. It does not only focus on your product but it compares you with your potential competitors. Although the paper suggest that comparative evaluation should be carried out in regular basis, it seems very useful while conceptualising a potential product. This makes it a very good candidate for our project in current stage.

What I will choose and why..
I think I will start with comparative research to get ideas about possible direction that we can choose to continue. and will defiantly evaluate early product concept before going too much into implementation. In my opinion symbolic meaning evaluation can be done after the product is in the market and has been used with fair amount of users.