1. Mobile IA (mobiForge
2. Designing for the mobile web (by A. Rehm, whatwasithinking.co.uk)
3. Designing for the mobile (by E. McVicar, UXbooth)
First thing that seems very important while designing for mobile small screen devices, is that since the device is small it does not allow large amounts of information and links to be displayed. These devices dont have many in/out-put options. So we should avoid over crowding and should keep it as simple as possible with only necessary functions.
Mobile devices are used in different conditions than desktops and laptops. They are used in high distraction situations like in bus or while doing something else in parallel. Again avoiding complications and too many links will be a good practice.
It is possible that small screen devices (because of their contexts of use), face slow or limited internet connection. They are also generally slower in processing time than desktops too. That makes it necessary to avoid extra clicking to get to the desired information. Nested pages are better not to be too deep.
I liked that second link mentioned navigation and footer at the end of page to save extra scrolling to top. This is something that I have personally suffered from!
I also found the different possible structures from third link really interesting, specially the part that she concludes what are the cons and pros of each approach.