Friday, March 13, 2015

Evaluating user experience : Individual assignment 3, paper review

Wizard of Oz prototyping
I think this method(the version described in this paper) is specially useful for designs including more aspects than mere screen interface. Although even in case of simpler web or mobile application it can provide more realistic test settings than paper or clickable prototypes. Well actually I am not sure if I can consider prototypes a subset of WOZ in general..

ImmersionWell I am not sure about this method. I think this is(or can) be done in any case even when we have real users. Since the experimenter is one person here, the question is how difficult it is to find "one" user for the system?
Bottom line is that no harm on doing it in addition to some other evaluation method.

Capturing emotional response through emo-pics sounds interesting and engaging. It can help break the (sometimes boring) routine of testing a design. However I dont see much use in our current design project, because this tool is a job related tool and my assumption is that it does not contain much emotional reaction.

My choice:
I have not indicated this choice clearly before. my original thought was WOZ . But during the class we decided to use WOZ in combination with emofaces and it was good combination.

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