It is a video game that mostly involves player watching several police interviews with a woman that is a murder suspect for her missing husband. The story happens in 1994 and the game visuals also follow same era's technological features(dialog windows and desktop that is from Microsoft Windows 3.11??) The player supposed to solve the murder case by searching a database of video clips(transcribed) and watching them. The videos are short and the interviewer and his questions are not known to player.Platforms:
PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, AndroidGenre:
puzzle, police procedural
Number of players:
single player, the player is solving a mystery
Perspective and interaction model:
static, and sort of first person view because the player has no visible avatar
best described as desktop model I think
Game mechanics:
Basically main action of user is search the database, tag videos and solve the mystery
Financing model:
Single purchase download
"Imagine and briefly describe how the game could change if one of its defining parameters (genre, platform, controller, number of players etc) were altered."
Genre change:
-The game with the same general story could turn to a action and role playing game. The player could be the detective or police officer. some 3D visuals and some chasing action could be added. The game would turn to mission type of game that a detective chases a murder suspect.
-If implemented in VR , player could still have the same role as current game, but instead of watching the interviews she could investigate the scene as well. In this case some change in the story is necessary because most of the detective work in this game is on the past events not the crime evidences.
-If number of players would increase to two, I can imagine a second player being the woman who is the suspect. To make it interesting the woman has lost her memory of the events and tries to figure out what happened herself, in order to delete videos that may show her as murderer or to help other player(detective) to prove that she is innocent.
The two roles will have different available materials and perhaps suspect character can decide on showing or hiding some pieces of evidence.
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