What paradigm, according to Margaret Mead, follows postfigurative and cofigurative cultures? What is its main feature in terms of learning?
Mead identifies three cultural states: post-figurative, co-figurative and pre-figurative. These states can be described in terms of their take on time, generations and change:
post-figurative: relies on past, past traditions, values and experiences. In this state, culture does not change much among generations and they are generally conservative. In terms of learning, children learn from adults.
co-figurative: It is resent-oriented. In this state, experiences of children are different from their parents, therefore it emphasizes on peer learning based on present needs and challenges.
pre-figurative: In this state of culture, adults learn from children, and the emphesis is on future and rapid change. There is no pressure to keep status quo or stick to the past traditions.
The post-figurative and co-figurative states are bound to end and be replaced by pre-figurative culture. where children are the designers of the future: "child—and not the parent and grandparent—that represents what is to come"(mead).
Mead lived in 70's and now 40 years after her book, the pre-figurative state is not a matter of prediction but it is already here. Its indication for learning is that as she suggests, we should use the co-figurative possibilities to incorporate pre-figurative practices. A good example that comes to my mind is that game where children would come up with solution for complex global problems(i dont remember the name). In that game the element of co-working with peers leads to children to shape what to come!
Briefly explain the term “procedural knowledge”. Name several other kinds of knowledge.
Types of knowledge can be varied based on how we try to categorize them. Some types are:
-A priori and a posteriori
-explicit and tacit
-procedural(non-propositional), and propositional(also called descriptive or declarative Knowledge)
. They differ in their abstraction level, function and the way we acquire them.
Procedural knowledge is the knowledge of how to do things and perform tasks. It does not necessarily cover the theory of science of how things work but only how to operate them. For example knowing how to use computers is procedural and is different from the knowledge that a computer engineer has about how computers.
Based on several studies, Bloom found out that students perform 2 standard deviation better when used one to one tutoring using mastery learning technique, compared to traditional classroom setting.
So basically it emphasizes on personal tutoring and gaining mastery before moving to the next level. Both of these features are expensive and time-consuming in real world settings or as they call it, it is not scalable.
Digital educational games can help to solve this problem and make Bloom's technique accessible to many more students. Games can provide personal tutoring to each individual and students can take as much time they need with their digital tutor. Games are also a great way of practice for mastery since they supposed to make things more fun, therefore games can make sure that students get to the mastery level without getting bored.
Bloom's taxonomy identifies 3 domains:
-cognitive or knowledge or thinking
-affective or attitude or feeling
-psychomotor or skill or doing
In his taxonomy cognitive domain is on the top. Maybe the reason for this is that he originally developed this model for academic education. And traditionally academy is for acquiring knowledge and using cognitive abilities.
Within the cognitive domain, there are sub-domains of Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation.
in which evaluation is on top. The reason might be that evaluation is a very high level cognitive task that needs the knowledge and experience of previous steps to be able to evaluate something.
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