Monday, December 1, 2014

Critical Design Brief [M5]: how to save water

How To Save Water:
-Lets not!

The web service that we are designing for :

The website of Tallinna Vesi gives hints and suggestions to keep the sea clean and save water in daily usages. We decided to explore the scenario when humans are short in drinkable water because of too wasteful usage. Although Estonia may currently seem far from this state, water scarcity already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world; these people don’t have access to clean water at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water right now.[wikipedia] If we continue using water thoughtlessly, these numbers will grow to the limits of global crisis. In order to bring attention to the problem we’re showing the children as victims and targeting their parents - we are showing what will happen if we don’t leave drinkable water to future generations.

Our critical design brief:
Targeted issue of our design is shortage in drinkable water.

Our project criticizes the careless use of drinkable water and the fact that people tend to think that the point where we face a critical situation in water scarcity is very far from them or their children. We try to engage people with bringing this issue closer to their personal lives, with involving their children. Targeted audiences of this design can be any adult with children or anyone who plans to have kids in the future. The project provokes people through showing how one’s kid should prepare for future shortage in drinking water, combining scientific background with dark humor.

The scenario:
Imagine the time that we have exhausted the drinkable water on the planet to the extent that there is no more water to drink. In such situation we have no choice but to stop water consumption and adapt our bodies to this new condition. Based on researches done on indian yogic (see link: and many training centers are opened to teach people how to survive without drinking water.

The yogic from the link claims that he started from the age of 8 and had not drunk water ever since.

The proposal:
“Desert Camel training center”

This training center is specialized for children and it promises to train kids to survive without water. They use the newest methods and best trainers and promise to teach the kids to stop drinking water in a three month long course.

The poster for this trainings:

Our Group: Marieh Sayadchi, Maria Medina, Helen Habakuk, Alise Semjonova

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