Wednesday, November 26, 2014

[M6] Contemporary theories (part II)

Turn to the wild 
Turn to embodiment

In my understanding they are not in conflict with two first approaches: turn to culture and turn to design. in fact they can be a way of looking at and problem solving, (as an example) for a case of "turn to culture problem". where the two first talk about the topic and concern of the design, these two try to shape a kind of lens or philosophy to look at the situation and approach it.

One good thing that I learned during this concept mapping was that I dont need to draw a clear border between different theories and methods. Actually many of them are overlapping. and it is possible in many cases to apply several of these theories to a particular setting and even get a very similar outcome, however sometimes some will be much more descriptive of the problem space and will result in a better solution.

ps: the grey area is kind of general overview, elements repeat in the right side again to make the map more readable

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