Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Software licensing landscape in 2020

Since 2020 is not that far anymore! I dont expect radical changes in licensing in a 6 years period.
however looking at current trends, some  movements towards new types of licensing already started.
boldest change is growth of softwares that recognise and treat cloud or hosted as a new way of computing. it can follow with XaaS(anything as a service) models.
another change is shift from perpetual to different terms of licenses. while traditionally one would buy a software and could use it for ever(if needed!), licenses for shorter terms, with lower prices seem reasonable.
I also see more awareness in users about ridiculous or very permissive(from user side) agreements, and think that this kind of licensing will be replaced by something that user would willingly agree with rather than being forced to.

a nice picture that shows the trend:
table from: "The future of software pricing excellence: An introduction "*

*Mark McCaffrey et.al. The future of software pricing excellence: An introduction

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