Thursday, September 18, 2014

my review on:
(Pekka Himanen)

Himanen is this papers talks about the challenges facing new(?) information society. He first describes current tends and changes in the societies (specially in europe) and then mentions some of biggest challenges that these societies face currently as well as some predictions based on these trends for the future. His main point is to alert people and politicians to the importance of change in plans and politics to cope with new era and its properties.
He sees the information society growing and traditional societies change based on observation of these cultural/economic trends: task and labor balances change, new industries emerge, growing importance of culture in societies, population ages and pressures on the welfare state increases,...

then, in search for a sustainable development policy, he explores different development scenarios from around the world. And compares The main 3 competing ones and the social models behind them.
The three models are:
1.“Silicon Valley model”(for example in USA)
2.“Singapore model”(india and china)
3.“Finnish model”(European countries)
then he mentions problems concerning each model:
Silicon Valley model-->it leaves the weak behind (high social price)
Singapore model-->there is always others in this “race to the bottom” and if it is not paired with promoting innovation, it will fail in longer run.
Finnish model-->it is passive and can lead to a “society of envy”

since author is focused on european countries, he explores the changes necessary in “Finnish model”.
He proposes a combination of welfare state and the information society, to achieve this several values play important role:
1.caring or equal opportunities for everyone
3.communality or including others and willingness to do things together
4.encouragement or sense of open opportunities to do or have anything
5.freedom of choice and action unless it harms others

and 4 key concept that important for a sustainable social development:
1.A creative economy
2. A creative welfare society
3. Humanly meaningful development
4. A global culture

to compete with cheap asian market a creative economy is necessary. This economy is empowered by culture, strong it sector and good welfare system. The areas related to innovation should receive more attention and investment in R&D activities should increase. During the process we should have in mind that innovation doesn't progress in linear fashion. Promotion of creativity can be done in several levels of government, society and companies with different methods such as importing it to the work culture and promoting cooperation.

Welfare becomes very important specially by aging population. He suggests the notion of “welfare society” rather than “welfare state”: using non-governmental providers in some (welfare related)sectors while keeping some(minimal) other to government only, can create an open competition and work toward the interest of citizens.

To maintain the welfare society we need new ways of promoting a socially, mentally, physically and culturally balanced development.
Social balance based on self fulfillment and belonging to an enriching community can be reached by means of a good work culture.
Preventing exhaustion and work-leisure balance are vital for a creativeness. Current “culture of emergency” is totally agains these goals and exhausts people.

Himanen's solution to make a balanced work-life plan consist of:
flexible working hours, project work, concept of “working time bank” and flexible off times based on personal needs.
He claims that having a successful information society is based on high-quality eduction system and open information infrastructure.

Mental and physical balance are other important concepts for the success of the information society. Continues stress and low physical activity, the outcomes of new work and life style, endanger people's health and need planning to encourage individuals to adopt healthy and active lifestyle.

He proposes migration as a mean to build a more creative society with importing new cultural elements and also to avoid aging population. Attracting foreign students, making a welcoming society and good integration plans are key points for success of this plan.

some thoughts on this paper:
-the paper gives a good overview on the current situation and challenges of information society and points many multi-dimensional workaround.
-the solutions he propose are totally based on europe's platform, he does not address the global sustainable system, but more an European system to survive the new wave and compete with others even with the price of ignoring human rights and other's well-being. it is not an international cooperation.
-solutions and points he makes are very vague in some parts. some parts has some detail of implementation in real context but some stays in very theoretical level.
-the outcome and drawbacks of many of these suggested actions are not pointed out and mentioned.

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