Friday, September 19, 2014

What is HCC to me!

What is HCC

Human centered computing concerns more about social and individual impacts of a technology use rather than its technical aspect.
The key feature of human-centered computing systems is that "knowledge of human users and the social context in which systems are expected to operate become integrated into the computer science agenda, even at the earliest stages of research and development."(1)
HCC facilitates the design of effective computer systems that take into account personal, social, and cultural aspects and addresses issues such as information design, human- information interaction, human-computer interaction, human-human interaction, and the relationships between computing technology and art, social, and cultural issues.(2)
Within borders of HCC, one may design tools and ways that technology can improve human's social/personal life. so it is not only a mere problem solving tool.

Why the social Human-Centered Computing perspective is relevant to HCI

Recent technologies not only in many cases directly used for socializing and communicating with others, but almost all of them indirectly shape and effect quality and quantity of our social life. HCC tries to bring social and cultural awareness to the new technologies and make the technologies act according to the social and cultural context in which they are deployed.
HCC's studies interaction between human and technology in its social context and tries to minimize harmful effects while maximizing benefits of it in order to have a healthy, creative and dynamic society. It is used to manage and plan to shape the future culture and society as well.
The value that HCC adds to HCI in this aspect is that, instead of heuristic evaluations and measurements of productivity and efficiency, HCC bring a diverse array of conceptual and research tools to traditional computing areas.(2)


* I looked at other suggested papers as well, but I have direct quote from these two sources:
1. wikipedia
2. A.Jaimes et al.Human-Centered Computing: Toward a Human Revolution”

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